Page 309 - JanJune_2022BiannualRidgefield
P. 309

                Item #
T 01973 Hbm T 01976 Hbm T 34694 Hm T 34695 Hm T 34692 Hm T 38301 Hbm T 25118 H
T 56761 H,m T 79753 H,m
Infant Formula
T 67347 H T 67348 H T 67356
Junior Foods
T 18249 H
T 23974 H
T 18248 H,m T 23973 H
Product Description
Puree, Pear Carrot Apricot 3rd Puree, Pumpkin Cranberry Apple Puree, Pumpkin Spice Spinach Puree, Squash & Sweet Pea Puree, Sweet Potato Beets Puree, Swt Potato Apple 2nd Fd Strawberry Peach Pear
Sweet Poratoes,Stage 1 Winter Squash,Stage 1
Mlk-Based Pwdr, w/Iron,DHA/ARA Mlk-Bsd Pwdr, W/Iron,Sensitvty Soy-Based Pwdr, W/Iron,LctsFr
Chicken & Stars Soup Four Bean Feast Oatmeal,Apple Cinnamon Veggie Red Lentil Bake
023923-320017 023923-320048 023923-330337 023923-330344 023923-330351 023923-330023 023923-033467 023923-300316 023923-300347
023923-100442 023923-100602 023923-101081
023923-532649 023923-532915 023923-532656 023923-532892
023923-500723 023923-500600 023923-500488
023923-330108 023923-330139 023923-330115 023923-330146 023923-330122
023923-201903 023923-211971 023923-203013 023923-202009 023923-201965 023923-202092
023923-300354 023923-330634 023923-330627
023923-413023 023923-413061 023923-413030
195372-902905 195372-611166 195372-822654 195372-528822 195372-520864
$ Unit CS
1.71 CS 1.71 CS 1.71 CS 1.71 CS 1.71 CS 1.71 CS
10.24 CS 1.57 CS 1.57 CS
35.60 CS 35.60 CS 35.60 CS
1.57 CS 13.78 CS 1.57 CS 13.78 CS
1.57 CS 1.57 CS 1.57 CS
1.95 CS 1.95 CS 1.95 CS 1.95 CS 1.95 CS
3.99 CS 3.78 CS 3.78 CS 3.78 CS 3.99 CS 3.78 CS
3.78 CS
1.57 CS 1.71 CS 1.71 CS
1.71 CS 1.71 CS 1.71 CS
5.08 CS 5.08 CS 5.08 CS 5.08 CS 5.08 CS
8.09 CS
$ Price
20.47 20.47 20.47 20.47 20.47 20.47 20.47 15.72 15.72
142.39 142.39 142.39
15.72 27.56 15.72 27.56
15.72 15.72 15.72
23.37 23.37 23.37 23.37 23.37
23.94 22.65 22.65 22.65 23.94 22.65
15.72 20.47 20.47
20.47 20.47 20.47
40.66 40.66 40.66 40.66 40.66
2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55
15.35 2.35 2.35
53.39 53.39 53.39
2.35 20.65 2.35 20.65
2.35 2.35 2.35
2.89 2.89 2.89 2.89 2.89
5.99 5.65 5.65 5.65 5.99 5.65
2.35 2.55 2.55
2.55 2.55 2.55
7.59 7.59 7.59 7.59 7.59
Unit Case Size
12/4.2 OZ 12/4.2 OZ 12/3.5 OZ 12/3.5 OZ 12/3.5 OZ
12/4 OZ 2/6/3.5 OZ 10/4 OZ 10/4 OZ
4/21 OZ 4/21 OZ 4/21 OZ
10/4 OZ 2/6/4.5OZ 10/4 OZ 2/6/4.5OZ
10/4 OZ 10/4 OZ 10/4 OZ
12/4.2 OZ 12/4.2 OZ 12/4.2 OZ 12/4.2 OZ 12/4.2 OZ
6/5.30 OZ 6/5.3 OZ 6/5.3 OZ 6/5.3 OZ
6/5.30 OZ 6/5.3 OZ
6/2.75 OZ
10/4 OZ 12/3.5 OZ 12/3.5 OZ
12/4 OZ 12/4 OZ 12/4 OZ
8/2 OZ 8/2 OZ 8/2 OZ 8/2 OZ 8/2 OZ
6/4.93 OZ
EA/ Wholesale
                 Meat & Vegetable Dinners (6 mos. and older)
T 83214 H T 80617 H T 20465 H
Chicken & Brown Rice Sweet Potato & Chicken Vegetable & Turkey Dinner
   Organic Fruit Yogurt Smoothie
T 54892 Hb T 54895 Hb T 54893 Hb T 54894 Hb T 54891 Hb
Apple Blueberry Mixed Berry
Peach Banana Pear Mango Strawberry Banana
     Sesame Street Line
T 39161 Hn
T 25551 Hbm T 39168 Hbm T 39154 Hnm T 39162 Hn
T 39165 Hnbm
Apple Snack Bars Crunchin` Crackers, Veggie Grahams Honey Sticks Oatmeal Cinnamon Cookies Strawberry Snack Bars Very Vanilla Cookies
      T50430 H
Vegetable Combinations
Veg Garden Strws Sesame St
 T 87937 Hm T 69490 Hm T 69489 Hm
Corn & Butternut Squash Spinach, Lentil, Brown Rice Sweet Potato, Garbanzo, Barley
   Wholesome Breakfast
T 69492 Hm T 69493 Hm T 69494 Hm
Apple Raisin
Blueberry Banana Sweet Potato Cinnamon
   Mushroom Jerky
T 38170 HK, T 38171 HK, T 38173 HK, T 38172 HK, T 38169 HK,
Habanero BBQ
Hickory Smokehouse Maple Mustard
Sea Salt & Cracked Pepper Teriyaki Ginger
     Coconut Butter Cups
T 12871 Pumpkin Spice
  ✿=100%Organic ★=95-99%Organic ✚=MadeWith70-94%OrganicIngredients ✫=GlutenFree ✪=WheatFree ✌=Vegan ❂=Kosher ✓=Sulphured ■=ContainsSugar ▲=ArtificialIngredients m=Non-GMOProjectVerified w=FairTrade T=Natural U=TraditionalGrocery v=VegetableEnzymes C=Ethnic ✦=Foodservice G=Foodservice,grab‘ngo D=Foodservicesupplies
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice
   307   308   309   310   311