Page 156 - JulyDec_2023BiAnnualRidgefield
P. 156
Item #
Product Description
Case Size $ Unit
10/5.8 OZ 3.89 10/5.8 OZ 3.89 10/5.8 OZ 3.89 10/5.8 OZ 3.89
12/3/3 OZ 5.50 12/4/3 OZ 5.50 12/3/3 OZ 5.50
6/64 OZ 16.73
8/14 FZ 5.77 8/14 FZ 5.77 8/14 FZ 5.77 8/14 FZ 5.77 8/14 FZ 5.77 8/14 FZ 5.77 8/14 FZ 5.77 8/14 FZ 5.77 8/14 FZ 5.77 8/14 FZ 5.77
12/5.25 Z 4.39 12/5.25 Z 4.39
8/14 OZ 6.37 8/14 OZ 6.37 8/14 OZ 6.37 8/14 OZ 6.37 8/14 OZ 6.37 8/14 OZ 6.37 8/14 OZ 6.37
8/16 OZ 7.01 8/16 OZ 7.01 8/16 OZ 7.01 8/16 OZ 7.01
24/3.6 OZ 2.60 24/3.6 OZ 2.60 8/16 OZ 7.01 8/16 OZ 7.01 24/3.6 OZ 2.60
8/15.75 OZ 9.76
12/5.5 OZ 3.44 12/5.54 OZ 3.44 12/5.04 OZ 3.44
12/2.26 OZ 5.52
6/10.5 OZ 6.32 6/8 OZ 6.32
CS $ Price
CS 38.89 CS 38.89 CS 38.89 CS 38.89
CS 65.96 CS 65.96 CS 65.96 CS 100.39
CS 46.16 CS 46.16 CS 46.16 CS 46.16 CS 46.16 CS 46.16 CS 46.16 CS 46.16 CS 46.16 CS 46.16
CS 52.73 CS 52.73
CS 50.92 CS 50.92 CS 50.92 CS 50.92 CS 50.92 CS 50.92 CS 50.92
CS 56.05 CS 56.05 CS 56.05 CS 56.05 CS 62.34 CS 62.34 CS 56.05 CS 56.05 CS 62.34
CS 78.06
CS 41.28 CS 41.28 CS 41.28
CS 66.22
CS 37.91 CS 37.91
T 36811 n T 70758 n T70858 n T 74955 n
T 27563 HmbK T 72447 HKwm T 27564 HmbK T 01131 HbK
Cookies+Cream,Dbl Choc Cookie
Dbl Choc Cky w/Dirty Mint Chip
Salted Caramel w/Snickerdoodle Cookie That Dgh Thgh Cchip Cky Dgh/Cchip Cky
Bars, Coconut Almond in Chocolate Bars, Dark Chocolate
Bars, Sea Salt Caramel in Chocolate Vanilla Soft Serve Mix
851916-003216 851916-003018 851916-003254 851916-003490
896767-001837 896767-001233 896767-001844 851499-006451
850034-840093 850034-840109 850034-840086 850034-840079 850034-840055 850034-840031 850034-840017 850034-840024 850034-840000 850034-840048
851499-006130 851499-006123
850034-840437 851499-006956 851499-006925 851499-006901 851499-006932 851499-006895 851499-006949
850005-386162 868042-000415 868042-000422 868042-000439 868042-000477 868042-000460 850005-386117 868042-000453 868042-000491
858719-004051 858719-004013 858719-004006
070670-108085 070670-108016
5.85 5.85 5.85 5.85
8.25 8.25 8.25
8.65 8.65 8.65 8.65 8.65 8.65 8.65 8.65 8.65 8.65
6.59 6.59
9.55 9.55 9.55 9.55 9.55 9.55 9.55
10.49 10.49 10.49 10.49
3.89 10.49 10.49
5.15 5.15 5.15
9.49 9.49
Unit EA/ Wholesale
Dairy-Free Frozen Dessert
T 12221 HKb, T 12223 HKb, T 12225 HKb, T 12229 HKb, T 12233 HKb, T 12206 HKb, T 12238 HKb, T 12245 HKb, T 12246 HKb, T 12248 HKb,
Chocolate Hazelnut Decadence Chocolate Peanut Butter Chocolate Walnut Brownie Dark Chocolate
Infinite Coconut
Legendary Cookie Dough Madagascan Vanilla Bean Mint Chip Galactica
Sea Salt Caramel + Chocolate Sweet Cherry Amaretto
Frozen Cookie Sandwich
T 10594 HK, Dark Chocolate
T 10581 HK, Madagascan Vanilla
Ice Cream Grass Fed Dairy
T 31341 Hb T 86053 H T 86064 H T 86121 H T 86104 H T 86119 H T 86051 H
Caramel, Choco, Fudge & Peanut Butter Chocolate Euphoria
Cookie Dough Twisted
Hazelnut Fudge Crunch
Peanut Butter Blitz
Strawberry Lemon Shortbread Vanilla Bean Nirvana
Cashew Frozen Dessert-DF
T 72444 b T 11777 b T 11779 b T 11780 b T 45085 ,n T 45084 ,n T 11781 b T 11778 b T 45083 ,n
Cold Brew Coffee Killa Vanilla Kursten`s PB Krunch Melrose Mint
Mint Chip With Spoon In Lid Peanut Butter With Spoon In Lid Perfectly Chocolate
Sunset & Strawberry
Vanilla With Spoon In Lid
T 70699
Ice Cream Cookie Sandwich
Choc Chip Vanilla Sandwich
T 46962 T 46961 T 46960
T 71119 HbK
Chocolate Chip, Caramel, Vanilla Chocolate Chip, Choc Dipped Chocolate Chip, Vanilla
Egg Wraps with Cauliflower
Plant Based Meat Alternative
T 20314 mK, 3 Pack Burger T 11852 K,m Meatballs
✿=100%Organic ★=95-99%Organic ✚=MadeWith70-94%OrganicIngredients ✫=GlutenFree ✪=WheatFree ✌=Vegan ❂=Kosher ✓=Sulphured ■=ContainsSugar ▲=ArtificialIngredients m=Non-GMOProjectVerified w=FairTrade T=Natural U=TraditionalGrocery v=VegetableEnzymes C=Ethnic ✦=Foodservice G=Foodservice,grab‘ngo D=Foodservicesupplies
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